Identity and Stationery System
Logo and Stationery System was developed for the National Actors Theatre
Company in NYC by Christina Freyss Design. I find it an elegant, intriguing,
and a creative solution for a theater company. I enlarged the mark and placed
it in the upper left-hand corner so it can be more easily examined.
MARK: Comedy/tragedy theater
masks are something we have all seen and we know that they are related to the
theater. The concept of this mark combines the comedytragey mask into a single
unit which is abstracted yet easily recognizable. It is well balanced in its
positive and negative space and the series of lines on the left hand side
create an interesting edge for the side of the mask.
logo itself is very appealing and well-balanced. The serif text in all caps
(maybe Garamond) represents the formality of the theater as does the centering
of all of the letters beneath the mark. The bullets add a little weight to the
text and to balance it with the mark. The letterhead is an interesting
combination of right and centered text which seems to work well. The business card
has the logo on the left side as well for consistency. The envelope elongates and
spaces the address quite a bit which generates an well-designed effect.
Rosenbaum, Alvin, Trademarks, Logos, Stationary
Systems & Corporate Identity USA, Graphic-SHA Publishing, Company, LTD.,
Tokyo, Japan 1993.